Benefits for iTUB tub rental customers

Max. work hours

per employee

Number of employees

loading and unloading

Saved working hours

per trip

Saved working hours

per year

Case Study – Onboard handling

Our rental service is highly advantageous for customers, helping them meet their need for tubs during the peak fishing seasons.

Our customers benefit by saving time, money and most importantly by meeting their increased requirement for storage, handling and transportation of fish and fish products.

A case study tracking the use of 460 L tubs for onboard handling on fishing trawlers showed the following results.

Loading and unloading of trawlers:

The loading and unloading with 70 L fish boxes took from 10 to 12 hours work for 6 employees. With 460 L iTUB rental tubs the loading and unloading hours were 2 to 4 hours for 6 employees.

The combined savings with iTUB rental tubs were 48 work hours per trip. With 30 trips per year this results in potential savings of 1.440 work hours per year.